Group Chats
Made Easy

Collaborate with teams without the mess of multiple groups. Never get lost in your messages.

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How we can help

Save your time

Save your time

With our app, you can streamline your tasks and ideas effortlessly. Our intuitive organization system helps you reclaim your valuable time for what truly matters.

Avoid the mess of group chats

Avoid the mess of group chats

Our app keeps your messages organized and separated by pins, so you can easily find what you need without the clutter.

Always know where your messages are

Always know where your messages are

No more hunting for lost messages. Your messages are neatly categorized within each pins, ensuring you can quickly locate any important information or discussion.

How it works

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Create a board

Create a new board in just a few clicks, giving you a dedicated space to organise your thoughts on a particular topic.

how 1


Select Pins

Assign a unique color to each pin to make it easy to recognise and differentiate from others.

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Send Message

Add notes, and attachments to your pin to keep all your information in one place.


Mess of multiple group chats

Mess of multiple group chats

Create subtopics for each of your ideas, making it easier to manage and find among all of your notes.

Not able to find messages

Not able to find messages

Share subtopics with others to collaborate and get feedback, making it easier to work together on projects or ideas.

Ugly Designs

Ugly Designs

Our app sends you notifications when someone has made a change to a task or subtopic. You can customize your notification settings.

Never Lose Your Messages Again

With easy-to-use tools and features designed to keep you organized and focused, you'll be able to stay on top of your projects and goals like never before.

Group chats made easy.

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Made by Team Assistine